Thursday, 3 July 2014

June, July and August Challenges

Although I'm only halfway through my report on May's challenge I couldn't resist a quick post to say I took on my June Challenge - the 10 Peaks - the Lakes (short course) - at the weekend. Despite being the shortest of the courses - 30m+, others were roughly 45 and 62 I believe - it was really tough due to over 10000ft of Ascent AND Descent on route. I'll let you know how I did in a report soon.

I also couldn't resist spilling a few beans on my August Challenge, which is to be a multi-day run through some fine areas of North and East Yorkshire (stopping overnight). It's still early in the planning, but will be a unique (as far as I know), and exciting journey between two remote points in the "Gods Own" county, linked by a very important waterway.... that's as much as I'm giving away for now :)

As one of my own route challenges I'll be responsible for carrying all my own gear on route for - days and nights, hot or cold, wet or dry - and carrying or seeking out all of my own food/drink, to keep me going on a challenge that will burn epic numbers of calories. As such my challenge for July will be two back-to-back long runs in two days to test my preparation.

A memory from my June Challenge. Where's this?

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